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American Hot Wax

American Hot Wax
Item# SF941
Regular price: $26.95
Sale price: $25.06
Availability: Usually ships in 2-3 business days

Product Description

American Hot Wax DVD (Region 1) Widescreen. Color. Tim McIntire, Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis, Jay Leno, Fran Drescher.

An All-American Musical Classic! Return to the rollicking, rocking baby days of doo-wop, rockabilly, boogie, and just plain fun. Simpler days when good times were a cherry coke, music in the air and in the streets, stolen kisses from that first sweetheart, topped off one of the greatest rock'n'roll extravaganzas ever staged. You will see. It's a riot! And that big daddy D.J., Alan Freed, led the raiding party with a shout of "Rock And Roll Will Never Die!"

Region One. North American Format.