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The Cay

The Cay
Item# SF935
Regular price: $19.95
Sale price: $18.55
Availability: Usually ships in 2-3 business days

Product Description

The Cay DVD (Region 1) Color. James Earl Jones, Alfred Lutter. Introduced by Charlton Heston.

During World War II, young Phillip survives a sinking ship only to be struck blind and trapped on a Caribbean island with an elder black man, Timothy, and a bedraggled cat. Phillip must adjust to his new handicap while Timothy pushes him to learn survival skills. Tested by their differences, a special relationship grows between them. Fighting barren isolation and the unforgiving sea, the two must soon brace against the dark furies of a hurricane. Based on Theodore Taylor's award-winning book, this film is a warm and enlightening screen adaptation for all ages.

Region One. North American Format.