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Smoky (1946)

Smoky (1946)
Item# SF99894
Regular price: $24.95
Sale price: $23.20
Availability: Usually ships in 2-3 business days

Product Description

Smoky DVD (1946) Region 1. Color (Technicolor). Fred MacMurray, Anne Baxter, Burl Ives, Bruce Cabot.

MacMurray portrays the Utah cowboy whose bond with his horse Smoky was immortalized in Will James' classic tale. The cowboy captures and trains the wild horse but during a cattle raid is separated from it. It is not until years later, after the horse has been mistreated by others, that the two are reunited. This is the best of the three versions of the story (also made to the screen in 1933 and 1966). Anne Baxter is the other love interest and trusty Burl Ives serves as friend and troubadour. Musical numbers include well-known folk and cowboy songs such as "The Foggy, Foggy Dew", "Blue Tail Fly", and "Woolly Boogie Bee".

Region One. North American Format.